Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Sociology Homework Due Friday 4/27

Read Chapter 13 pages 339 to end of Chapter
The American Political System

Answer only question #4 on Page 345 (Two Paragraphs) AND complete some Internet research on the upsoming 2012 elections in November.

Specifically, search for 2012 Proposed Initiatives (Ballot Initiatives) with an Economics related focus.

For Instance, I searched for initiatives and found one called  California "Sustainable California State Bank" Initiative (#11-0051)

You need to find an initiative and record the title, indicate what the number is (#11-0051) as shown above, and provide a very short summary of the initiative. In this case, the proposed initiative is to create a new State Bank, initially with $200 Million from the State General Fund, and Impose a 15% minimum tax on oil and gas extracted in California, and use the funds generated by that tax to provide capital to the state-run bank.

This homework is due at the beginning of class on Friday.