Saturday, October 22, 2011

Students who did not complete the Sunday Morning News/Political Program Summary
should watch programs for THIS Sunday!!
Read the blog post below this one for the assignment.


Government Students to Complete Graphic Organizer

Homework for Monday, October 24 is to complete the
round graphic organizer we began in class this week.

Recognizing that many of you may have left your original
pieces at school, there will be time to complete this in the 
classroom on Monday - 

FRONT SIDE-your illustration of the Seal
INSIDE UNDER THE SEAL-Political Dictionary for 13.1
UNDER THE SEAL-President's Job Description
BACK SIDE-Your original campaign button for the 2012 Race

Use your favorite search engine to find campaign buttons from previous elections. You should choose from the current field of Republican hopefuls, or perhaps offer a button for President Obama's re-election campaign.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

All Government Students Have Homework

Sunday Morning Talk/Public Affairs Programs

Your homework due first-thing Monday is to watch one of the Sunday Morning News-Public Affairs programs and write a 500 word summary on a single sheet of paper. You will write a summary of the major issues discussed and the positions taken by those being interviewed. There may be multiple issues throughout the program, so write each one down separately. Look for any BIAS or political ideology since these programs generally show one side or the other, and only occasionally both. I also find it interesting to see who endorses the program with commercial airtime, so list the sponsors.

The list below is most of the preferred programs. You may choose any from the list. You earn the same credit whether the program runs for 30 minutes or one hour. But students who write an exemplary summary of a one hour show may earn a 50% increase in their score.

Repeats on MSNBC

As an alternate, you could review the websites above AFTER the program air time and summarize the information presented on the webpage in transcript form.

Your 500 word summary need only be on a SINGLE SHEET OF PAPER! Address POV (Point-of-View) from your perspective. Did the person being interviewed PERSUADE you in any way and how. Were their points being made clearly? How much arguing or "forceful deliberations" went on. You should be prepared to argue and defend a position you take as a result of having watched one of these programs.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Quizzes due in Government and Psychology

The quicklink to the American Government quiz is here.

The quicklink to the P2 Psychology quiz is here.

I would appreciate if you entered the Quia website with your login and "viewed" the course because it is easier for me to record your scores. Use the quicklink only if you cannot remember your ID and password.

This image shows the "View" links on the right-hand side of the webpage.

Enjoy your weekend!!