Friday, January 25, 2013

Period 2 Assignment, Friday January 25

Please click here for a Word document that explains your assingment today. Table leaders, please assist your table-mates.

Also, please thank Mrs. Nelson for taking my class today while I attend to some important business.

Table Leaders, when you are finished with the minimum assignment, please login to and select 2 more stocks to invest in, $10,000 each for another $20,000 investment.

Consider searching for stocks in industries such as precious metals, energy (wind, solar, oil, gas), other commodities like food (grain, corn, wheat, produce, cotton, coffee, sugar, cocoa, etc.), or medical, health, automotive, entertainment, clothing. EXPAND YOUR CHOICES!!!

Here are the user ID's for Period 2. The list is in Table order
  1. CLA_24_ZZ345
  2. CLA_24_ZZ346
  3. CLA_24_ZZ347
  4. CLA_24_ZZ348
  5. CLA_24_ZZ349
  6. CLA_24_ZZ350
  7. CLA_24_ZZ351
  8. CLA_24_ZZ352
Finally, remember that you need to go to the "Economics - P2" tab in order to leave your comment on the blog, and that your comment CANNOT be seen until I review them. That will be sometime on Sunday, after I recover from the fantastic Winter Formal we have planned for you in the MPR. Last chance to buy a ticket is today before Manny leaves the school around 3:30pm.


BreBrightside said...

Ello :P!!!!!!!!!!

-Breanna Higgins Per. 2

Gabby Francois said...

comment :D