Monday, February 13, 2012

Economics HW Due Tuesday, Feb 14

Happy Valentine's Day

I was such a sweetheart, I made the time (opportunity cost) to update the blog and remind you what the homework is for tomorrow because it is not only pretty easy, but includes a 9 point Extra Credit opportunity for students who are motivated. First the homework part,

Locate the BEST rate of return in interest for a one year savings of $500. Perform an Internet search for savings or checking and interest rate, perhaps a certificate-of-deposit, and write down, or copy the URL as a blog comment. Just record the location of the institution (Bank or Credit Union, etc.) and what the rate of interest is for a one year deposit.

Also, Read Chapter 4, Section 3 and answer question #7 only on Page 107


The Extra Credit is to read about on pages 104-105 and refresh the data in this analysis because it is more than 5 years old. What have the sales numbers been like for in 2005, 2008, and 2011? Tell me more about the company by looking at the financial information on - like the price per share, how many shares are outstanding, what is the Market Cap., etc. Why should I consider investing in this company, and most importantly, argue why you should consider focusing on this company for a possible job in the near future.

The homework and extra credit are due at the beginning of the period.